I often buy the Tuscan bread from Target, as I love my carbs. But making your own bread is not very hard. It may be a little time consuming, but the majority of time required is spent on letting it rise, when you can also do other things. That's why I often will pull out this old recipe that a friend's mom gave me and make my own and healthy batch of goodness. I can just visualize the fresh and steamy piece of bread with butter on it... Now, let's get to work! You will need:
1/2 c hot water plus 2 T active dry yeast
2 1/4 c hot water
1/3 c olive oil
1/3 c honey
2 Tablespoons molases
1 Tablespoon salt
7 1/2 whole wheat flour and 2 Tablespoons gluten
Combine water and yeast in a bowl, cover, set on top of another bowl with hot water in it, this will keep it warm. Give it a few minutes to bubble. In the meantime, combine the wet ingredients together. Add 2 c flour and mix. Add the bubbly yeast. Then add 4 c of flour and 2 T gluten ( don't add gluten if you're using bread flour) and mix. Keep adding flour in 1/2 c increments until you reach 7 or 7 1/2 c , the dough will be pretty sticky! Cover the bowl and let rise for 20-30 min, in the winter you can set it on top of a preheating over, in the summer I just set it outside. After the time lapsed you will see the dough seemingly larger, take it out of the bowl and knead it again on a floured surface, cut in half and place in 2 bread pans. They will seem flat:

...but after covering them in a plastic wrap and setting them in a warm place to rise for 20-30 min they will look just like the ones on the photo below.

Bake the raised dough at 350 for 36 min!
Warning: Please try not to eat it right away when out of the oven. It's still hot. Restrain yourself until it cools for few minutes and then you can devour it...