Town Square Farmers Market is one of my favorite hangout spots on summer Saturday mornings. You can get anything there, from fresh bread to sausages made by locals, to my favorite German kuchens - little cakes filled with custard and topping of choice. Sometimes they have attractions such as music playing or petting zoo, which I often take advantage of myself!
Today was the first one of the season, I believe, and still early in the summer, so a lot of vendors that I was used to were not present. I was very happy, however, to find some "Polishness" there! I purchased "kluski", or dumplings, which are big, shapeless dumplings fried with onion and served hot. Very filling, very tasty, very unhealthy! Also, I found an artist selling "pisanki", or colored egg shells, which are presented on the picture. Someone standing in line to see them claimed they are from Ukraine, so I had to google it, and it turns out they are Polish, just as I suspected! They are usually made for Easter and put in the Easter basket to take to church to be blessed.